We live in an era of digital influencers. CEOs, actors, and executives are all accessible and present online. All top digital agencies in Pakistan give the same advice to any business owner or lone digital operator; build a brand of your own.
When it comes to following the above advice, the first and the most important thing that will help you is content marketing. Essentially, all different kinds of marketing like email marketing, blogs, social media, etc. are all offshoots of content marketing. Your content and the way it is written will showcase your brand message and your brand identity.
What is your brand identity? You will define how you want people to perceive you as a brand and what you want people to think about you. This will lay the foundation of how you use the following ideas for content:
1. ‘YOU’ are the content
You are the most important thing for your brand. Your thoughts and your perspective on topics are what you want to get across to people. Use this to your advantage. Use your phone and create content like videos and pictures that are relevant to your personal brand. For example, if you are a fashion influencer, use your daily outfit pictures or shopping hauls as content for blogs or social media posts.
Nowadays, people prefer to read and see spontaneity rather than planned and staged content, which makes life so much easier for you and the top digital agencies in Pakistan to build personal brands.
2. Routine Campaigns
People are hungry for routine campaigns and the familiar. They connect with personal brands that resonate with their own lives. The audience out there is most interested in knowing how similar other people are to them.
It will do you more good than harm to share your routine and other mundane things like buying groceries and making dinner. This will give a personal touch to your brand and help build a loyal audience through online engagement.
3. Get Serious Occasionally
Being spontaneous is necessary, but so is sticking to business. Having a blog that talks more seriously about your opinion on the topics in your niche and also content that is actually helpful for your audience can be great for your brand.
You can set up a content calendar for the blog based on the topics you want to cover and the keywords that are relevant to these topics. This way, your readers will know they can expect a blog from you once a week or whatever frequency you decide.
4. Live Sessions
Your audience wants to get to know you and get the opportunity to talk to you as well. You can assume questions and answer on their behalf, but nothing beats a live session on social media. You can use Facebook or Instagram for this purpose.
Announce the session well in advance so you can get a maximum audience to join in. Start the session with your introduction for new followers and start taking questions. You can also plan a session in advance and focus on a particular topic if you want to. Whatever way you decide to do this, this will help your audience engage with you and grow your brand.
5. Consistency is key
You cannot decide to grow your brand and then be AWOL all of a sudden. When it comes to growing any brand, you have to have a plan and you have to stick to it no matter what. Your followers will expect that blog on time and they will expect to see your daily life in posts as well. You have to build expectations and then fulfil them or you will simply lose your audience.
6. Start a Podcast
Podcasts are all the rage again. They were quite lost in the past, but now they’re back in action. This is one way to stay connected with your audience if you don’t want to go the video route. A podcast can humanize your voice just as well as video. Podcasts can also be enjoyed while people drive to work, cook, or work out.
7. Invest time in an E-book
E-books are a great way to pen down your experience and your expertise and then share it with other people out there. You can write a small or a lengthy e-book and share it on your social mediums and via email. E-book content can also become a great content source for your social media posts and email blasts later on.
8. Cover events
Anyone who is an influencer online is attending events. This means that you will have access to different kinds of events and occasions that you can properly cover and show your audience through the blog or social mediums. This will be a great opportunity for you to give your opinion on culture and customs while also appearing fun and inclusive.
9. Become a source for information
People will listen to you if they’re sure you are a reliable source of information. Take your time to research the topics and be sure about the facts you are sharing before you share them. Make sure you attribute information to the right sources. If you can manage to give meaningful information and knowledge to your audience, you will find yourself having a loyal following that not only trusts you but will also quote you in relevant places.
Each individual is different and the way top digital agencies in Pakistan will brand them will also be very distinct. The principles, however, are the same as mentioned above. Being successful as a personal brand requires effort and consistency. You have to have a very clear direction of what you want to achieve and then set to do it.
Make sure you have set KPIs as well. There is no point in putting so much effort into building a brand when you don’t have the means to measure success. The more accurately you can measure your success, the better you can use these numbers during business negotiations with other brands and influencers as well. Your personal brand can be a great promoter for your future business ventures as well. This is why it is so important to invest in its growth.