Have you ever seen a child and then fell down the memory lane of your early years?
They are so lost in the present that they don’t care what will people think about them even if they pee and poo on spot.
And while we parent them, they reverse the role by teachings us the important life lessons.
My life has changed ever since my nephew came into my life. Now, I don’t panic, worry about the future and I’m thankful to him for teaching me lessons which neither a CEO nor a professional counsellor can make me learn.
I’d love to share it with you so you can also embrace the tiny babies around you.
1. They Focus on the Now
Sometimes we become so concerned thinking of tomorrow that we start neglecting the beautiful things around us. Like if it’s rain we will care about the after-effects. We will start wrapping our phones in a plastic bag, go looking for an umbrella and do everything to save ourselves from the pearl drops.
Unless we let the rain wet us, how can we feel the essence of the moment?
If you put a toddler in this situation, little did he care about the rain effects. All he would do is to laugh and enjoy in rain and making the people go gaga in the situation.

2. They Love Everyone
When I was young, I was told to stay at par from the maid, give them a separate plate and don’t share the lunches with them. They care less about their cleanliness and since they clear our mess so they aren’t clean as we are.
But my 1-year-old nephew goes running to the maid and shake hands, laughed and giggled. He doesn’t care if it’s a maid or a janitor. He treats them the same way as he treats me and plays with me.
3. They are Fearless
You must have seen a toddler giving his fingers in the socket, playing with the switches and unplugging the chargers, haven’t you?
They are so carefree that they would even pick an insect from their fingers, touch a cat or a dog without knowing the results.
We, being an adult draw the thin line between dangers and safety and we think hundred times before dealing with harmful things.
So Brave! These kinds have too much to school us.
4. Happiness comes at No Cost
We have a happiness scale and we measure our happiness through it. Like if I got a bonus this month from my company, I’ll be happy. Or if my friend calls me today I’ll be happy, if I achieve my target this month I’ll be happy and so on and so forth.
Our happiness depends on things, goals, times and deadlines. But a kid is happy without any condition and he isn’t shy to show it. He smiles, giggles and laughs loud without reasons.
If you see the happiness of kid once, you’ll forget all your worries and your smartphones, I bet it.

5. They are Creative
Give your kid the pencils, a colour book and don’t set the boundary to colour inside the lines only. They’ll colour like a hero you won’t have seen before. It will be a disaster but they’ll paint their imagination. They won’t be following rules but they’ll be spilling creativity around the lines.
Take them near to the swimming pool and they won’t be afraid to dive but instead, they will teach you a new way to put your feet in the pool.
As adults fear to take a risk, you’ll find the kids always open to challenges. That’s how they are.
P.S: I read a lot of books, listen to TED talks and try to mould into a better person every day but these life lessons I learned from my 1-year old is worth everything. I’m blessed to have a little one in my life and grateful to him for teaching me the best lessons of life.
Do you have any kid around? I’d love to know how they make you feel every day?
I prefer books and diaries more than phones and Facebook. Soulfully connected to Pakistan. And I passionately believe that I can change the world through blogging.
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