Dear Boss,
I’m an introvert and I love working from home. I don’t feel like giving up my bed every morning and dress up to catch my van. It exhausts me especially when I knew that all I have to do is to reach office, complete the word count, do them reporting and leave at 6:00 p.m.
All these I can easily manage from home in my loungewear while enjoying power naps. And I’m sure I’ll accomplish my to-do list before time but your company wants me to attend office, clock in and clock out on time.
This bounds my innovation limits my creativity and makes me feel like a robot who is programmed to perform specific operations.
What I want from your company is to allow me to work from home and when you do I’ll be entitled to these benefits which are not yours but the benefits I really look forward to receiving. It won’t give me anything materialistic but will allow me to celebrate my being.
I won’t feel the need to talk to anyone & I won’t get the opportunity as well
I think my office welcomes extroverts only. They like the ones who brag about their work and do everything to be the center of attention. And because I don’t talk and participate in conversations, it makes me less credible for my job.
My colleagues undermine my abilities although I’m much better from them in my manners and working due to less participation I’m hidden behind all the extroverts.
So, when I will get the opportunity to work from home, I can celebrate myself. There would be no one to whom I’d have the pressure to talk with, accompany my friends on lunch and wish birthdays to my colleagues because everyone is doing that.
There won’t be anyone to judge me for talking less and distracting me from work. And this is how I’ll celebrate the perk of working from home.
I’ll become more loyal to your company
I don’t know why the companies think that when they’ll force me to attend office regularly and cut the benefit of working from home, I’d appreciate their move. I’ll never do that and I can’t as well. I’m an introvert and I don’t enjoy coming to the office regularly.
Knowing that my job is to write, if you won’t allow me to work from home I’ll gradually be bored. The time will come when I’ll start hunting for the job where my introversion is appreciated rather than discouraged.
And if your company allows me to work from home, I’d become more loyal to them since I always needed that perk. Might be possible I can extend the duration of my service with your company.
I’ll be more creative, I bet It
Oh yes, when you’ll allow me to work from my comfort zone, snacking and munching, I can be myself and when I can be myself, I’ll have more ideas to share. In fact, you’ll get to know the results in my write-ups. You’ll also be astounded to see my creativity in work and I’ll prove them.
I’ll be so grateful that you have helped me cut my travel cost and allow me to work from home. I’ll take fewer sick leaves and look less for the reasons to escape the office. I don’t have to think of excuses to skip my working day and I can be myself. I can sing while working and I don’t have to care that people are watching. Moreover, the benefits of working from home are so peace-gaining that I’ll achieve mindfulness while working.
And if you’re worried that you can’t track my progress, I’ll be available to answer all your queries.
So, dear companies, please know that I’m an introvert and I want you to appreciate my introversion rather than discouraging and making me think less about myself. And if you do so, I might become your forever loyal employee because you have allowed me to be myself in a world where everyone has discouraged my introversion.
I’m not saying to allow me full-time work from home but you can let me do it twice or thrice a week. Trust, me, I’ll never misuse this perk.
An Introvert Struggling to Grow my Comfort Zone
Note: For some official reasons, the writer has requested to hide his name. But he wants to reach out his voice to the employer. If you’re in the same boat, please circulate his note to the companies who don’t give the leverage of working from home.
I prefer books and diaries more than phones and Facebook. Soulfully connected to Pakistan. And I passionately believe that I can change the world through blogging.
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